Friday, 22 June 2012

Heat Wave GameofThrones.

Hi everyone.

I don't know where some of my readers live, but where I live there's been a wicked 3-day heat wave.  Thankfully we have air-conditioning so it's been pretty comfortable.

Husband has finally finished work on his friend's movie soundtrack and as a thank you, said friend gave us access to his HBO on-demand account so we could enjoy some Game of Thrones.  We were hooked after one episode.  As such, I haven't stitched a cross in almost a week.  I have missed it, but GoT is making up for it.  Wow, what great television!  Riveting.  We are flying through season 1.

I do have a progress photo though.  It was taken over a week ago, but it's still progress and I am happy to show it off.

I think I am about 1/2 done the chart page.  I am so pleased with how it is turning out and am doubly pleased that there are next to NO counting errors!!!  Yay me!

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