Saturday, 7 April 2012

Stitchy Stitch ... is it nighttime yet?

I have been stitching like a fiend!

Every night, after the kids are in bed and we've had our dinner, I pull out the Hermit and get to work.  Poor husband!  He's been wanting to watch his new Blu-Ray copy of "Deer Hunter" but I'm so absorbed in my project that I can't possibly devote 3 hours to a movie when I could be stitching!  I suppose I will have to give in one night and put the Hermit away.  Sigh ... the sacrifices we make for marriage. ;)

So I've made quite a bit of progress, though it may not look like it to anyone else.  As I mentioned in my first post about the Hermit, this is going to be a very time consuming project.  Target completion date is 2017.  

Here is a photo I took last week.  The black stitching is the Hermit's lantern and the yellow is the light.  I know it doesn't look like much yet, but there you have it.  Thanks for reading!


  1. Hi Mimi,

    My HAED is also 20 pages of chart. I have never done anything that I didn't start in the middle of either, but it seems like everyone who does these grids the fabric and starts with page one.

    I ordered "glaced" thread from eBay, which is what one person told me to use for the gridding. I am starting to think the HAED is WAYYYY over my head!

    Thanks for following my blog. Will love to see the progress you make on your BAP (big ass project).

  2. Thanks for commenting!!

    I really did consider doing the grid but it just seemed to daunting a task to have to use the floss to grid then remove it as I stitched near. I will admit though that starting in the middle is a bit frustrating, especially since I can't really see the design take shape just yet. Still, it's important I think, to do what you're most comfortable with.

    I agree - the HAED projects are daunting. I'm looking at my chart and thinking, "what the hell having I gotten myself into?!" lol!

    I'll be posting an update of my BAP soon!

    Thanks for following.
